Earlier this year I was reading through the books of I and II Samuel. One thing I noticed about David that amazed me was that he always sought the Lord prior to engaging in any battle. Countless times He would essentially ask the Lord, “Should I fight this battle, will You go with me and will I win? If so, what strategy would You like me to engage in”. As a result, he was known as a great warrior. Really, he developed the sure fire strategy of victory: Ask God, and do what He says. Interesting philosophy isn’t it? What’s more interesting to me though is how glaringly obvious a path to victory this is, yet we continually choose our own path. I’m speaking to myself here too. Right now I’m even thinking of something very specific that the Lord has spoken to me, yet I keep stumbling over it in disobedience. I intentionally am keeping this blog post very short and to the point. I will close by asking us all, “What has God spoken to you, and are you being a good steward of that Word”. If He hasn’t spoken a clear battle plan, it’s time to ask Him for one. He will speak clearly to you. Listen for His voice, read His Word, and seek Godly counsel. Then go forth, act on His Word, and be victorious. Lord, Speak Your plan to me,
As I obey I will walk in victory Grant unto me a listening ear, And a heart to obey all I hear.
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AuthorKimberly ~ Counselor, speaker, teacher, author and most importantly broken but beloved daughter of Jesus. Archives
October 2022