Are people born gay? Are gay people a product of their environment? Does someone choose to be gay? Yes and no (to all questions)!
Are people born gay? If by this we mean “Is there a gay gene”, the answer is NO. But if by this we mean “Are there certain inborn characteristics that may cause someone to question their sexuality, and may predispose them to a supposed gay identity”, the answer is yes. A few of those characteristics may be a very high intelligence level, an acute ability to take in one’s surroundings, extreme sensitivity, and an interest in what may seem to traditionally draw the other gender (ex: girls traditionally are drawn to dolls, while boys traditionally are drawn to sports). Just like some are from seemingly as early as they recall naturally predisposed to anger, addiction, lust, etc., so there are those who recall being confused about their identity for as long as they remember.
Are gay people a product of their environment? The answer is no, in the sense that there is not a specific environmental formula that will make one gay. Two different children can have identical experiences yet one identify as heterosexual and the other as homosexual. However, the answer is yes in the sense that there are certain environmental aspects that may predispose a child to a homosexual identity. Among these are sexual abuse, a disconnection from the same gender parent, a deep connection with the opposite sex parent, a generally unsafe home environment, isolation from same gendered peers, and many other contributing factors.
Does someone choose to be gay? No: A “gay” person does not choose to be gay in the sense that they did not choose their attraction, just as a heterosexual man did not choose to be attracted to women. There are women who are attracted to brunette men, and men who are attracted to blonde women. To tell these people that they “chose” these attractions and to just “stop it” would seem utterly foolish, as they cannot explain their attraction or simply will it away. So it is with the homosexual attraction. Yes: Although people do not necessarily choose who they are attracted to they do choose what to do with that attraction. So, in this sense when someone chooses to act upon their same sex attraction they have made a choice to be gay.
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