Gender confusion differs from homosexuality. Although homosexuals may experience gender confusion, not all of those who are confused in their gender experience same sex attractions. Gender confusion can be briefly explained as an individual who feels gender neutral (neither male nor female), or who feels like they are the incorrect gender, (ex: “a man trapped in a woman’s body”). The extreme answer that the world is presenting to this problem is gender re-assignment surgery. This is no answer whatsoever, and only compounds the painful lie the individual already believes.
Jesus made us either male or female. There is no category of “other” just as there is no category for “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or a “woman trapped in a man’s body”. Yet, for some their internal reality is the lie that they are something other than God created them to be. Is there hope for this anything but comical dilemma? There is hope indeed. Hope comes through the transforming of the mind by clinging to Christ’s truth regarding created identity. The process can be a long and painful one ~ but nowhere near as long and painful as living a lie.
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